So-Cal Technicians specializes in tanning bed repair , Installations and movement of tanning beds, servicing and maintenance of all makes and models of tanning beds and spray tan booth repair.
We are Certified and Highly Qualified to repair and install the following bed manufacturers Future Industries , Dr Muller , UWE tan , ETS tanning, Ergoline , Soltron , Heartland tan, Sun Italia , Ultra Bronze, Pure Tan , Tan America, Sun Capsule , Sonnen-Braune , Sportarredo , Hex tanning , Ultra Sun , Cal Tan AutoBronzer repair , Versaspa Repair, Magic Tan repair and Mystic Tan repair We Guarantee to repair any tanning bed.
We carry a large selection of replacement parts that means no waiting to get your bed repaired. Reasonable rates and expert service guaranteed.
Tanning Beds set up right in your salon, we are a supplier of tanning replacement parts, tanning bed bulbs We Install and Repair T-Max Timer Systems, FST timers , and Electrical Installations are done by California Certified Electricians. Conveniently serving Southern California.